Gifted & Talented
- Our Vision and Mission - Advanced Academic & Gifted Services (AAGS)
- Process for Gifted and Talented (GT) Recommendation - Identification & Assessment
- GT Program Framework - Programming
- Advanced Learning Plans (ALP) Timeline and Criteria - Advanced Learning Plan
Our School's GT Advocate Contact Information
Elizabeth Faddick, GTA When is GT testing in my school?
- PHE Gifted & Talented Program Offerings
- Adams 12 Gifted and Talented Resources
- Adams 12 Parent GT Group
When is GT testing in my school?
Universal Screening: In Adams 12 Five Star Schools, 2nd and 6th graders who are not already identified GT participate in the Universal Screening process for potential gifted and talented identification. Find more detailed information regarding Universal Screening in the Five Star District. This test is used as a screener, to identify students who warrant further evaluation to see if their Body of Evidence meets the criteria for GT identification.
Important dates for the Universal Screening process at Prairie Hills: Second graders will take the NNAT3, the Naglieri General Abilities Test, on the following dates:
- Mrs. Allan's class the week of September 23rd
- Mrs. Nienaber's class the week of September 30th
- Mrs. Saenz's class the week of October 7th
Parent/Staff/Student GT Recommendation: All students can participate in the GT identification process by submitting a complete body of evidence. Find more detailed information regarding the GT recommendation process in the Five Star District.
Referral Window: If you are interested in having your child (of any grade K-5) be considered for the GT identification process you need to fill out this form by September 30, 2024. Students referred by September 30, 2024 will be given a cognitive assessment on both October 28th, 2024 and October 29th, 2024. The test used is usually, but not always the CogAT. Students who miss the referral window will need to wait until the following school year if GT evaluation is desired.
Important dates for the GT Recommendation process at Prairie Hills:
- Referral form due by September 30, 2024.
- Parents are notified by email confirming their referral/permission to test.
- Referred students are evaluated for GT on October 28, 2024 and October 29, 2024. (Both dates)
- AAGS Advanced Academics and Gifted Services, gathers and evaluates a Body of Evidence, which includes the cognitive scores, to make a gifted determination (either GT identified, Talent Pool, or not gifted).
- Parents are notified via email in Infinite Campus on December 6, 2024.
PHE Gifted & Talented Program Offerings
Advanced Curriculum & Extended Learning: “The Vehicle”
Provides the depth and complexity needed to ensure meaningful academic growth.
- Prairie Hills classroom teachers write ALPs for GT (gifted/talented) identified students which outline how GT students’ individual academic needs will be met within the classroom.
- Prairie Hills uses the cluster grouping model with K-5 students to group advanced learners together to support alignment, enrichment, expansion, and acceleration of the curriculum.
Differentiated Learning Pathways: “The Roadmap”
Provides an education at the appropriate level of readiness and challenge.
- GT and TP (talent pool) students are encouraged to take advantage of the numerous in and out of school opportunities that provide academic challenges and choices in their own learning. Some of these opportunities include the library’s Steam Station, Spelling Bee, Battle of the Books, Choir, and Student Leadership.
- Prairie Hills classroom teachers use supplemental materials to adapt and deepen understanding of concepts and standards.
- Prairie Hills uses assessment data to identify GT and TP students’ strengths and needs to drive instruction.
Individualized Opportunities & Enrichment: “The Customized Options”
Actively engages and motivates through interests and meaningful learning opportunities.
GT and TP students are pulled out of their classrooms once or twice a month during the school day to participate in Nimbus Group. This group time is designed to provide students opportunities to enrich their learning, deepen their thinking, build the essential skills, and explore different topics and issues of interest. It is also a time for discussion, exploration, and reflection about what it means to be gifted, as well as a time to consider and reflect on ALP goals. These meetings start in late August.
Prairie Hills also offers several co-curricular clubs to students.
Classroom teachers collaborate with students, families, and other specialists to set annual ALP (Advanced Learning Plan) academic and affective goals with the student. Teachers then help students monitor those goals throughout the school year.
Social-Emotional Learning: “The Destination”
Focuses on developing the whole child by balancing empowerment and accountability.
- Every grade level is using Second Step Curriculum for SEL (social-emotional learning). Classrooms dedicate 15 minutes daily for this work.
GT students collaborate with their teachers and family to help determine an annual affective goal for their ALP.
GT and TP students participate in Nimbus Group, during which time students participate in Socratic discussions and personal reflection about the joys and challenges of being gifted.
Adams 12 Gifted and Talented Resources
- Gifted 101
- Gifted Children's Bill of Rights (Spanish)
- Helping Your Gifted Child Succeed (click for Spanish)
- Serving the Whole Gifted Child
- Talking With Your Child About Giftedness
- Twelve Traits of Giftedness
- Colorado Association for Gifted & Talented (CAGT)
- Colorado Department of Education Office of Gifted Education (CDE)
- National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)
- Social and Emotional Learning Competencies (CASEL)
- Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)
More Resources
Adams 12 Parent GT Group
Gifted Parents Group facilitates the growth and success of Adams 12 Five Star Schools Gifted and Talented (GT) students by addressing the unique needs of this student population and their families. We hope you will join us and become involved for the benefit of your family and all Five Star District GT families.
Phone: 720-972-4000