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Third Grade

Welcome to third grade at Prairie Hills Elementary!  This year promises to be an exciting and productive time for all of us. Third grade is an adventure that we are sure your child will enjoy. We will work closely together and strive to provide a variety of opportunities that will enrich learning for your child. Third grade is a very special year in your child’s schooling. Students will be making the transition from a primary student to an intermediate student. The third-grade team of teachers can’t wait to guide them along this journey as they become more independent, responsible learners and world changers. Visit your child’s individual teacher site for more specific details regarding classroom policies and procedures. 

third grade

Meet Our Teachers

Nathan Cutshaw

Teacher-Third Grade

Kiley Edwards

Teacher-Third Grade

Vanessa Jackson

Teacher-Third Grade

MyAccount Dashboard

Teacher's digital classrooms are available in Schoology or SeeSaw. To access, visit your child's MyAccount Dashboard.  

Student myaccount dashboard logo
